1. From the dashboard, click Package.
2. The current package's average download and upload speeds will be displayed, along with the account holder name, current package(generally download speed in Mbps), contract start date(in ISO 8601 format), contact number(mobile phone) and email address.
3. Right after the package details, there is an option to update.
4. Next to the previous panel, there is an option to obtain a PDF version of the customer contract.
5. Each customer is assigned a committed installation date. In the event a customer wishes to discontinue services, a calculation will be performed to determine whether the requested discontinuation date exceeds the allowable tolerance period from the committed installation date.
In both scenarios, a support ticket will be generated upon your confirmation, and one of our agents will contact you within 24 hours to provide details regarding the requested modifications, in accordance with the terms of the current agreement.
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