How To Create A Contract?

Updated on 06 Feb, 2024

1. Go Contracts from the menu
2. List of Contract will be showed with Serial No., Mobile Number, Name, Product, Status, Amount, Probability, Next Call Date and Deal Owner(if required you can export as .csv format). Click +New for new contract.

3. After clicking, Product List page will be opened. If we click Proceed button of a specific product, Leads page will be loaded

4. Click Proceed button of a specific lead to open corresponding contract page.

5. There are 8 sections-
a. Under Basic Information section, put Deal Title, Product, Lead Mobile Number, Lead Name, Deal Owner and Next Calling Date.
b. Under Product-Deal Specific Information section, put Opportunity Type, Deal Start Date, Deal End Date, Close Date, Win Probability, Priority, Package, Package Price, Note, Deal value, Collection Address, Zone, Distribution Office(DO) and Type of Sales.
c. Under Customer Information section, put First Name, Last Name, Mobile Number, Alternate Mobile 1, Alternate Mobile 2, Alternate Mobile 3, Alternate Mobile 4, Alternate Mobile 5, Gender, Email, NID Number ,NID Copy(upload soft copy), Passport Number and Passport Copy(upload soft copy).
d. Under Deal Specific Attachment section, upload Attachment.
e. Under Present Address section, put Division, District and Address.
f. Under Permanent Address section, put Date of Birth, Profile Picture(upload soft copy), Family Member, Marital Status, Marriage Date, Occupation, Job Title and Education Level
g. Under Customer/lead likings and behavior section, put customized behavior and preference of customers.
h. Under Contract Term and Clauses section, put customized term and clauses(if any).

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