How To Get Down Elements Report?

Updated on 02 May, 2024

1. Go Down Elements
2. A list of down components is presented in 5 sections-
(a) A list of down connections with Link, Device, Network, Zone (network zone), Function, Duration, and Last Status Time (in date-time format) will be displayed.

(b) A list of down devices including Device, Network, Zone (network zone), Function, Duration, and Last Status Time (in date-time format) will be displayed.
(c) A list of down servers including Server, Network, Zone (network zone), Function, Duration, and Last Status Time (in date-time format) will be displayed.

(d) A list of down apps including Application, Device, Network, Zone (network zone), Function, Duration, and Last Status Time (in date-time format) will be displayed.
(e) A list of down error devices including Device, Network, Zone (network zone), Function, Duration, Last Status Time (in date-time format), last output, and error message will be displayed.

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