How To Create A Good Received Note?

Updated on 13 Mar, 2024

1. Go Inventory> Good Received Note
2. A list of received product will be shown with its GRN Id,Stock(to those it may concern),Price(in GBP),Stock Identifier(e.g., BAR code, serial etc.),Received Item Count,Received Date and Status(e.g., Initiated, Verification etc.). This data can be exported in.csv format if needed. Click +New to insert a new Product and Service.

3. Put Product(It will be populated from Subscription Manager),Purpose Type(e.g.,Procurement Plan,Faulty, Returned etc.),Received Item Count,Cost,Description,Received Date,Status(e.g., Initiated,Verification etc.),Brand(Customer premises equipment-CPE brand),Stock Identifier(Comma Seperated and/or Hyphenated Serial Range Identifier (i.e 1-5)) and Scanner.
Click Submit

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